Şîret û Agahî


Komeleya Jinan a Roj

Şêwirmendî û agahdarkirina rû bi rû ya Jinan însiyatîfeke bi pêşengiya jinan e ku li navendên civakî desteka taybet dide jinan. Şêwirmendên me danişînên yek bi yek pêşkêş dikin ku tê de jin dikarin her mijarên ku ji wan re girîng in nîqaş bikin.

We believe that
we can support more women and girls with you

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Give a helping hand for women and girls

Roj Women’s Association was founded 10 years ago to provide services to young minority ethnic girls and women migrated to the United Kingdom (UK) from Kurdish regions fleeing from war, persecution, oppression and discrimination within Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria.

Roj Women’s Association

Roj Women’s Association

Donate Now for Women's Rights
Our projects are implemented by the Employment Commission, which consists of a dedicated team including coordinators, project manager(s), development and case workers, as well as trained volunteers. The work of the commission is overseen by the Management Committee, ensuring effective project delivery and management.
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    Our fingerprints on the lives we touch never fade

    Our fingerprints on the lives we touch never fade

    You are not alone!

    If you are experiencing domestic abuse and need support or advice